Sunday, May 12, 2013

Morning Scones 

These little treasures are a great treat on a lazy Saturday morning ( best enjoyed with a few good friends, and a  nice cuppa  tea  )

This recipe makes between 8- 10 depending on the portion size.


3 cups flour
1 egg
half a cup of sugar
4 teaspoons baking powder
1/2 a cup of milk
1/2 a cup of butter

How now?

1. Set the oven to 200' C to preheat

2. Sift the flour, baking powder and sugar together. Rub the butter into the flour mixture until it resembles a crumbly mixture. Add in the egg and milk and gently mix until a nice dough is formed.

3. Flour a clean surface and roll the dough out to about 1 cm thick. Use a cup to cut out circles. Lay them on a greased baking tin and let the magic begin!

4. Bake for about 15 minutes, until nice and goldeny brown.

All done..!

5. I served mine up with my homemade Almond butter, a few butter cubes and maple syrup! hmmm..I felt like Jane Austin sipping on my cup of tea in the English Country side (:

Saturday, May 11, 2013

The Father of Lights

James 1 v 17 says " Every good thing and every perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of lights, with whom there is no variation of shadow of turning" 

Light. It is the natural agent that stimulates sight and makes things visible.
It is  Illumination, enlightenment, revelation, renewed understanding,  
radiance, luster, glowing and beaming. 

In essence it is neither tangible, nor perceptible by touch.
Yet it is easily detected it with our senses. 
It is not palpable, solid or concrete.. 
But,  we can easily identify it, and know the absence of it as darkness.

God by definition is light. He is both the light OF the World, and the creator of the light IN the World. 
How wonderful to be a child of the light. To HAVE A father that is the creator OF light and to be a bearer OF that light. 

1 Thes 5 v 5 reads " Ye are all the children of light, and the children of the day: we are not of the night, nor of darkness. "

Ephesians 5 v 8 further reminds us " To For ye were sometimes darkness, but now are ye light in the Lord: walk as children of light: 9(For the fruit of the Spirit is in all goodness and righteousness and truth;)"

Friday, May 3, 2013


So one day, when I was bored.... and dying for a slice of  P.I.Z.Z.A, and quiche I came up with this nifty recipe....Pizza magically crossed with a Quiche = QUIZZA! Ok so it's not your traditional pizza - but then again neither were my childhood unconventional 'BLUE cakes with green icing" that I used to hand off to poor unsuspecting neighbor (: but still,  I enjoyed every morsel of this pIzzChe (: 

" Pizza Base"

2 Egg whites
2 tins of  Tuna ( I used a "spicy' one - hence the reddish color)
2 handfuls of chives 
half a cup of grated mozzarella cheese / cheddar 
half a cup of flour
half a teaspoon of salt
half a teaspoon of baking powder


Any veg you like (: 
I added 5 mushrooms, and 2 tablespoons of black beans. 
All finished off with a 'generous' sprinkling of mozzarella Cheese

How now?

1. Set the oven on 180'C to pre heat.

2. Combine all the ingredients for the base until it forms a nice type of dough. It shouldn't be dry , if it is add some milk..

3. Spread the dough onto a greased pizza pan. 

4. End off with the topping . 

5. Bake for 25-30 minutes at 180 ' C / until the base is cooked.


Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Almond and sesame butter

I must say this one is a first for me ! My only reference to homemade peanut butter is the Zim version I grew up with. Made from roasting peanuts over a fire, and then MANUALLY (or with a machine) grinding the little things to a pulp or paste.. Back home we know it as ' Dovi' . It's salty, delicious and has a distinct 'roasted' undertone.

So I thought hey - I want to try this myself..

Skip the roasting process though, fast forward and find
  • 2 cups of Almonds / peanuts / macadamias / cashews / anything that resembles a nut (:   
  • 2 pinches of salt / more or less to your taste?
  • An optional 2 tablespoons of sesame oil. Adding oil is NOT really necessary; you can make delicious peanut butter without it. I just added it for the Sesame falvour.

Now what? SIMPLE!! Just add IT ALL to a blender, and BLEND!! This process does require some patience and depending on the strength of your blender it may take longer.. In general the time is about 12-15 minutes. Give your blender a few breaks / rests inbetween to cool down.

At first the blended nuts resemble a powdery mixture and as you carry in blending the little wonders slowly release their oils and a defenitive smooth paste will develop.

DON'T STOP THERE! Carry on, until the almonds have magicallt transformed into a smooth, salty, delicious peanut butter.. and once you have mastered this easy feat - you can experiment with other types of nuts - and adding different flavours.

A few ideas - Almond and chocolate chip butter, Macadamia and Honey Butter, Hazelnut and Espresso butter.. Cashew and Maple butter ..OOh and the list can go on and on!

See you ladle !

Almond and Chocolate chip cookies

               Sorry, forgot to add these photos on the last post. 

                           ( Special request from my sister )