His love
As the co-heirs, children and beloved of God we have the most thrilling, heart warming and life changing opportunity to ponder the LOVE of the Father. Each of us. God calls us not just to corporate worship, but also to individual praise and pondering.In Matt 8 v 27 - 30 God asks Peter " Who do men say that I am?. Peter answers
" Some say Elijah, and some say one of the prophets." I can imagine God kind of nodding his head already knowing what the people really think, but He presses on and asks Peter a more profound question " Who do YOU say I am?" The same applies to this question; " What does MY love mean to you? " not to the world, the masses.. but to you.! ??
In the light of this question , this is my response .
" You are my constant in a changing world,
of transitory relief and swaying belief.
Your love establishes a solid foundation
of unmovable nature .
A steadfast block.
You are my bedrock
By one deed, evil came into the world,
and by one word the world was forever changed.
Four letters L.O.V.E. transformed the course of History
and made it HIS STORY!
Your love to me is a garden of salvation,
Where you are the keeper and I the creation.
You are the tender, the neat keeper,
the faithful sower planting the seed of your word even deeper.
Your love cares, it is concerned.
With the menial, the mundane and the everyday.
The 'gettings' up and goings on of life.
You love so much that Your son hung on a cross.
It is as much a present tense as a past participle.
You desire that we may not just be you son / daughter
but also a beloved disciple.
We love because you first loved us,
lavished undeserving as grace became man
on a cross"